Photos by: Debbie Stock
Brief Introduction of Beijing Jade Carving
Jade carving is a kind of sculpture valued as artistic work for appreciation
as well as decoration. It also has great economic value! Coming in different
shapes, sizes and colors, jade carving has a long standing history in China
dating to the Neolithic age. It reached a fairly high level during the Shang
Dynasty, thus laying the foundation for further development.
The jade carving industry of Beijing has inherited and carried forward the fine tradition of Chinese jade carving. When Beijing became the capital of China, jade carving reached a new high as consumers sought jade products (jewelry, carvings, pens, decorative globes, vases, dishes and more,) and the Beijing Jade Factory fine tuned its offerings. There has been a revolution of carving, with artists incorporating modern themes and styles into their work. Artists are trained in art theory as well as composition and techniques for shaping jade.
Connoisseurship of jade requires more than a quick examination. To ensure that a piece of jade is real, it helps to visit fine jade collections at museums, galleries, and auction houses. Handling the pieces and asking questions about their provenance, history, and value is the path to understanding and enjoying the magical qualities of jade.
Next photo: Chinese guards and soldiers