Attractions and Sights by Boat, Rail & Walking Tour
By: Denise Morrison / Basel Pg 3
Basel Attractions and Sights by Boat, Rail & Walking Tours
By: Denise Morrison / Basel Pg 3 of 3
Speaking of restaurants, Basel offers numerous fine dining and casual
eateries. Swiss cuisine – a fusion of French and German – is comprised of
superb dishes that will satisfy the most discriminating palate. Recommended
dishes range from Forelle Blau
(melt-in-your-mouth poached trout served with a burnt butter sauce) to the
irresistible honey spiced sweets known as Läckerli. The restaurant Safran
Zunft – named after one of Basel’s historic guilds - recently won a
historical restaurant of the year award, and features a Swiss and an Out of
South Africa menu. If you are visiting during autumn or winter, try the dish
known as Rehpfeffer – venison stew served with Spätzli - a hearty treat.
The Hotel Trois Rois offers two great choices in dining with views of the
Rhine; a neighboring property, the restaurant Chez Donati, serves the best
Italian food in town. The always in favor landmark restaurant, Kunsthalle,
houses an art gallery and is located adjacent to Tinguely’s water machine
sculpture – a large open air ballet of fountains in the summer and a
fascinating ice sculpture in winter – at the Theaterplatz.