San Pedro, CA Maps for Travel Planning and Vacations

San Pedro is a community and district within the City of Los Angeles. It is an ocean-front region surrounded by Rancho Palos Verdes, Long Beach and Wilmington. 110 Harbor Freeway connects directly to the city. In fact, the freeway actually ends its southern terminus there.

It is one of the most lucrative revenue generators for the City of Los Angeles because of the Port of Los Angeles located there. The port is one of the nation's busiest commercial ports, and includes a cruise line facility for around-the-globe luxury and affordable cruises. While other portions of the City of Los Angeles extend to the beach in unincorporated areas such as Marina del Rey and Venice, San Pedro contains much of the city's military and nautical history as a deepwater port and military facility serving several wars in which the United States has experienced threats of enemy of attack. San Pedro is well worth a visit during trips to or around Los Angeles to see its highlights.

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