Orange Squeeze in OC is Big Squeeze on Oct. 10, 2010


Many know Orange County as the Orange Squeeze. Some call it the Red Curtain, as well, referring to its politics. But on Oct. 10, the only politicking you’ll need is to vote for your favorite accordion-based band at the Orange County Market Place “Big Squeeze” Accordion Festival. Now in its 2nd year, the musicians are world class, the crowd is opinionated, and the event won’t let you sit still. It’s music that moves you…you’ll find out!

The Big Squeeze Accordion Festival at Orange County Market Place in Costa Mesa is set for Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 88 Fair Drive, CM. Admission is FREE with one canned food donation, or $2 adult admission. The Orange County Market Place invites the public to attend the 2nd Annual Orange County accordion event to beat all. Lisa Haley and the Zydecats (in photo)