Make sure you have a check, money order, cash or a debit card available to pay any fees. (the DMV does not accept credit cards at field offices, however they are accepted online)
If you have to go into a field office, visit the DMV’s website at to make an appointment before visiting a field office. This will significantly reduce your wait time.
Driver License and ID Card
Upon expiration of your current driver license or ID card, the DMV will automatically send you a renewal notice which will inform you if you are eligible to renew online or in person, and if you will be required to take a traffic laws and signs test. Occasionally, an office visit may be required to protect your identity and ensure that a license is being issued to the true owner. Below is a checklist of items you should be prepared for if you are required to visit a field office to renew your driver license or ID card:
DL Renewal
Complete an original Driver License form (DL 44) or the DMV renewal notice you received via mail (to obtain the DL 44 form by mail, call 1-800-777-0133 or pick one up at your local field office)
Be prepared to take a traffic laws and signs test (if required)
Pass a vision exam
ID Card Renewal
Complete an original Identification Card application (DL 44) (to obtain the DL 44 form by mail, call 1-800-777-0133 or pick one up at your local field office)
Bring your certified birth certificate or passport
Provide your social security number
Name Change or Change in Marital Status
In the event of a name change or change in marital status, it is important to update your records with the DMV. Prior to visiting your local DMV field office to update your information, please contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to change your name on your social security records and to be issued a new card. When your SSA records are updated, bring the following with you to complete your DMV update:
Complete an original Identification Card application (DL 44) (to obtain the DL 44 form by mail, call 1-800-777-0133 or pick one up at your local field office)
Provide evidence of your name change by showing an original or certified copy of a birth certificate or passport
The DMV will automatically notify you via mail when your vehicle’s registration is due for a renewal and also inform you if you are eligible to renew online or in person, and if a biennial smog certification is due. Be sure to pay your renewal fees on or before the due date to avoid penalties. When renewing your registration you will need to:
Provide your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
Provide your renewal notice that shows your current fees
Provide a smog certificate if required– authorized smog shops electronically submit these certificates to the DMV
Changing Vehicle Ownership
When you become the new legal owner of a vehicle, (buying or selling) you must provide updated information to the DMV. If you are registering a vehicle as the new owner, be prepared to provide the following items to the DMV:
California Certificate of Title (Pink Slip)
Signature(s) of seller(s) and lien holder, if any, on the Certificate of Title
Signature(s) of buyer(s) on the Certificate of Title
Odometer disclosure for vehicles less than 10 years old
Smog certification
Notice of Release and Transfer of Liability
In order to file a Notice of Release and Transfer of Liability with the DMV to transfer vehicle ownership and responsibility to another party, you will need to provide:
A completed Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability (REG 138)
The vehicle’s year, make, and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
The new owner’s name and address
The vehicle’s odometer reading
The date of transfer or sale
Name and address
This transaction can be done in a field office or online at