Universal Studios Hollywood’s annual Halloween Horror Nights short film competition is accepting entries from June 27 through August 1, 2011, to be judged by a panel of industry insiders, including horror film auteur Eli Roth, Daily Variety senior writer Marc Graser and Halloween Horror Nights Creative Director John Murdy.
The winning film will be honored with a premiere showing on Chiller, a posting on Syfy.com, a cash prize of $1,000, and a trip for two to Halloween Horror Nights opening night Eyegore Awards at Universal Studios Hollywood.
Prospective filmmakers are invited to submit short films from 90 seconds to three minutes in length on DVD (two copies of each film must be submitted). Films will be judged based on storytelling skill, originality and scare factor. The top 10 horror shorts, as determined by the panel, will be posted online at HalloweenHorrorNights.com from August 22 to September 9, 2011 for public voting. The winning film will be announced on September 12, 2011.
Entries must be sent to: Halloween Horror Nights Short Film Competition, 100 Universal City Plaza, Building 5511-5, Universal City, CA 91608. Additional information on the contest, including a complete list of rules and regulations, is available online at the Halloween Horror Nights website (halloweenhorrornights.com)
Universal Studios Hollywood hosts the Eyegore Awards annually on opening night of the theme park’s popular Halloween Horror Nights event to honor individuals for their significant contributions to the horror film genre.