Most associate the generic term "California parks" with the state operated parks system that contains an inventory of over 270 parks and places maintained by State of California Parks Division (
National parks in California are operated by the National Parks Service and in addition to the 8 national parks, there are 6 national monuments, 4 national historic trails, and a handful of national memorials, seashores and national recreation areas. (
Then the 58 counties in California manage land holdings in their county regions usually known as County Parks.
21 of the best wildlife viewing areas in
the state, are completely or partly on
BLM-administered land.
Samoa Dunes Recreation Area A 300-acre
coastal area, along a sandy strip
between ocean and bays just west of
Eureka. Many birds can be seen amid
varied dune habitats and in the nearby
ocean and bay, with good birdwatching
year-round. About half of the recreation
area is heavily used by off-highway
Mattole Recreation Site Here the Mattole
River meets the Pacific Ocean, providing
varied habitat and glimpses of migrating
birds and shorebirds, seals and sea
lions - even passing California gray
whales. The site includes 20 acres at
the north end of the King Range National
Conservation Area, that extends 35 miles
along the coast and up to six miles
Shelter Cove/Lost Coast Wilderness The
remote region known as California's Lost
Coast includes 35 miles of coastline
within the King Range National
Recreation Area, with shelter Cove near
the south end. This is good place to
view marine life including seals and sea
lions, tidepool life, California gray
whales and many types of birds.
Beaver Creek Beaver Creek meanders
through a rocky canyon, in an area with
relatively flat terrain. This is a major
wintering area for mule deer and
pronghorn - a major wildlife-viewing
attraction of Beaver Creek. Various
types of birds can also be seen.
Kelly Reservoir Kelly Reservoir fills
with water for only part of the year,
starting with winter precipitation and
drying out by spring or early summer
(April to as late as July), depending on
the amount of rainfall. But even
seasonal water amid the sagebrush
grasslands and volcanic ridges attracts
large numbers of wildlife, especially
Paynes Creek Bands of vegetation line
the banks of the Sacramento River where
it meets Paynes Creek, offering perches
for birds and cover for small mammals.
The 3,700-acre Paynes Creek management
area includes that intersection and
other streams, wetlands and ponds, plus
grassland and oak woodland - all
attracting a variety of wildlife.
Eagle Lake is California's second
largest natural lake, and one of the
more unique. It sits in a "closed
drainage basin" - it has no outlet and
only limited surface water flows into
it. That can lead to buildup of
contaminants that greatly reduce
wildlife. However, Eagle Lake's unique
water quality balance hosts a great
variety of wildlife including trophy
trout and birds attracted by the fish,
all amid attractive scenery.
Bizz Johnson Trail/Susan River The Bizz
Johnson Trail winds 25 miles along the
route of an historic rail line and a
dozen miles along the Susan River. The
trail passes through three bioregions:
the Cascade Range, the Sierra Nevada and
the Great Basin. The varied habitat
attracts a variety of wildlife, from
beavers and belted kingfishers at the
river to great horned owls and
porcupines in the surrounding areas.
Biscar Wildlife Area Two small
reservoirs within Snowstorm Creek Canyon
collect water that attracts water birds,
as well as mule deer, pronghorn antelope
and other wildlife.
Cache Creek Management Area This
secluded, hilly expanse of oak
woodlands, grasslands and chaparal is
cut by about 35 miles of Cache Creek,
providing excellent wildlife habitat.
Cache Creek offers visitors spectacular
views of the endangered bald eagle,
free-roaming tule elk herds, wild
turkey, black bear, blacktail deer and
other upland species. Numerous bird
species have been seen here.
Cosumnes River Preserve The Cosumnes
River is the California Central Valley's
last undammed river; seasonal flooding
creates rich wildlife habitat. Only
minutes from the state capitol, this is
a critical stop on the Pacific flyway
for migrating and wintering waterfowl.
The preserve's ponds, sloughs, and
seasonally flooded marshes also support
many resident birds, plus other
Fish Slough Fish Slough is a lush oasis
amid an otherwise arid landscape - with
less than six inches of rain, and summer
temperatures of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
The unusual surface water supply
provides for varied plant and animal
life, from unique and sensitive species
such as Owens pupfish and Owens tui
chub, to resident and migrating birds,
and small mammals.
Haiwee Deer Winter Range This area on
the edge of the Owens Valley in the
eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains was
designated as a Watchable Wildlife site
because it offers outstanding
opportunities to view a portion of the
East Monache mule deer herd. As winter
moves in, deer move down from the
mountains to the valley bottom, at about
4,000 feet above sea level. Here they
can forage on diverse grasses and forbs
and find water in hidden springs.
Carrizo Plain National Monument Covering
nearly 250,000 acres (204,107 acres
federally-managed), the Carrizo Plain
National Monument is managed for the
benefit of its rare and endangered
plants and animals, and for restoration
of native ecosystems to health. The many
birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles
that find a home here fill a long list.
Desert Tortoise Natural Area For three
million years, the desert tortoise
survived and adapted to changing
climates in what is now the California
Desert. But in recent years, their
numbers have been greatly reduced. This
public land in the northwestern Mojave
Desert in northeastern Kern County, is
managed to protect a unique habitat in
its natural state.
Harper Lake Most of Harper Lake is a dry
lake bed that lies under the flight area
of Edwards Air Force Base. But in its
southwest corner, water runoff from
nearby farms has created what is
probably the largest marsh in the Mojave
Desert. This oasis attracts resident
wildlife and thousands of migratory
waterfowl, shorebirds and wading birds,
making this a prime birdwatching spot.
Afton Canyon One of the only places
where the Mojave River flows above
ground all year round. This unusually
reliable Mojave Desert water source
provides bounty for many animals. More
than 180 species of birds have been
spotted, and bighorn sheep can now find
water here, thanks to habitat
restoration efforts. The area also hosts
various turtles and lizards, and desert
Palms to Pines Scenic Byway. This
67-mile scenic driving tour climbs from
desert through mountains and back again,
passing through various wildlife and
scenic preserves. Drivers can pull off
the winding and often steep road at a
number of pulloffs or lookout points,
with varied habitat ranging from
forested mountainsides, to reservoir, to
arid brush- and cactus-covered stretches
-- not to mention some sweeping views of
mountains and valleys.
Big Morongo Canyon Preserve Big Morongo
Creek rises to the surface for just
three miles between the Mojave and
Colorado deserts, before it disappears
underground again. The resulting canyon
oasis has gained a national reputation
among birdwatchers as "a usual spot to
see the unusual." At least 235 species
of birds have been observed here -
including several rare species - along
with desert bighorn sheep, mule deer and
smaller mammals, lizards and more.
Coachella Valley Preserve For thousands
of years, particles of sand washed into
the Coachella Valley, forming a system
of dunes. Today, these dunes are part of
a 20,000-acre sanctuary that is home to
several species of increasingly rare
wildlife - including the Coachella
Valley fringe-toed lizard, that "swims"
through the sand. The Preserve also
includes several palm oases, including
the spectacular Thousand Palms Oasis.
Dos Palmas Preserve This oasis with its
hundreds of swaying fan palms offers
sanctuary in the midst of the dry
Colorado Desert. Pools fed by artesian
springs and seepage from the nearby
Coachella Canal form a lush wetland
area. The exceptional habitat shelters a
variety of both threatened or endangered
and more common animal species.