Most of the area is in the eastern portion of San Luis Obispo County but it also includes small portions of western Kern County. CPNM adjoins some of the most intensively managed agricultural lands and petroleum deposits in the U.S. yet the area remains relatively isolated and undeveloped, retaining an intact landscape character.
Prominent features include the white alkali flats of Soda Lake, vast open grasslands, and a broad plain rimmed by mountains. It is traversed by the San Andreas Fault, which has carved valleys and created and moved mountains.
Visitors can hike, explore and even camp in this rustic destination managed by Bureau of Land Management ( Two improved campgrounds, the KCL and the Selby are available on a first come, first served basis, no reservations. For questions call: (661) 391-6048.
The Carrizo Plain is home to diverse communities of wildlife and rare and sensitive plant species. CPNM provides refuge for endangered, threatened, and rare animal species such as San Joaquin kit fox, California condor, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, giant kangaroo rat, San Joaquin antelope squirrel, longhorn fairy shrimp, and Kern primrose sphinx moth.