Pictured are the Badwater Basin Salt Flats
Death Valley National Park
Death Valley, CA
Visitor Information (760) 786-3280
Wow! Death Valley's 3.4 million acres make it the largest National Park outside Alaska with approx. 1000 miles of paved and dirt roads. Approx. 91% of the park is officially designated Wilderness ranging from salt flats and sand dunes to mountains rising 11,000 feet.
This land of contrasts & extremes, Death Valley National Park, is an amazing gem that California is lucky to cherish.
The National Park Service recommends visitors see the four main areas of the park:
Furnace Creek Area: Golden Canyon | Artist's Palette and Artist's Drive | Devils Golf Course | Natural Bridge| Badwater Salt Flats | Harmony Borax Works | Zabriskie Point | Dante's View | Twenty Mule Team Canyon
Stovepipe Wells Area: Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes | Mosaic Canyon| Salt Creek | Titus Canyon
Scotty's Castle Area: Scotty's Castle | Ubehebe Crater| The Racetrack | Eureka Dunes
Panamint Springs Area: Darwin Falls | Rainbow Canyon | Lee Flat | Aguereberry Point | Father Crowley Vista / Rainbow Canyon | Wildrose Charcoal Kilns
Extreme: Known for its dry, arid and extremely hot weather in the summer, Death Valley is the hottest place on earth, and the driest and lowest place in North America. However, pleasant winter temperatures invite fair-weathered travelers. In the winter months especially rain can cause flash flooding in this dusty, parched environment.
Weather reports are posted during special conditions with attention paid
to roads that are well traveled:
Badwater Road - Furnace Creek to Harry Wade Road; Jubilee Pass (SR
178) to Shoshone
Harry Wade Road - may experience deep sand
Lower Wildrose Road from Wildrose to Panamint Valley
Natural Bridge Road
Saline Valley North Inyo County
Saratoga Springs Road
Scotty's Castle; Grapevine Canyon
20 Mule Team Canyon
The salt flats in Badwater Basin cover nearly 200 square mile in Death Valley and is among the largest protected salt flats in the world. Badwater Basin at 282 feet below sea level is one of the lowest places in the world and lowest place in North America.
Special annual festivals and events include the Death Valley 49ers Encampment which takes place in the fall -- usually early November.
Special photography workshops such as a Death Valley Timelapse Photography event have been held in the past to capture the beauty of this unique national park.