California Oktoberfest Photo Gallery

Do you love to celebrate with friends, dancing polka music, drinking beer and eating bratwurst, sausages and strudel? You've come to the right place. There's no need to be German. You can eat, drink, dance and be happy in California where over 100 Oktoberfest events are celebrated each year. Pictured is the Alpine Village Oktoberfest event held in Torrance, California. The music is festive and the photos are easy to take in the outdoor covered tent with a stage offering ample light to capture the action during the daytime.

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Shown in the Oktoberfest Gallery is a picture of pretty Oktoberfest maidens at the annual Oktoberfest in Huntington Beach, Calif.

If you love to eat, here's a picture of a plate with tradition Oktoberfest food favorites such as bratwurst, sauerkrat, rotkraut and German potato salad.

A picture of the gate to an Oktoberfest Festival in Long Beach, at El Dorado Park shows a family walking hand-in-hand toward the entrance.

A photo of Oktoberfest dancers at Alpine Village in Torrance shows one of the stage shows with traditional German dances that entertain the audience.

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