Old Town Market Festival Marketplace weaves through the historic Casa
de Aguirre and into a courtyard where you may hear musicians performing
happy tunes on hand-made flutes and other instruments. Prices for
decorative tiles are as low as $1.99, a keepsake Day of the Dead (Dia de
Muertos) ceramic plate is around $14.99, and a hand-crafted planter of a
man taking a siesta with his sombrero covering his face goes for about
$24.99. Silver and metal tooling is exceptional so you'll be glad to know
that home decor such as silver crosses you can hang on the wall go for
around $14.95.
Leather goods such as belts, hats, backpacks, carry on bags and purses are
made of durable leather that never seems to wear out. I am carrying around
my black leather backpack I purchased there about 15 years ago--and I carry
heavy cameras in it!
Clothing is often light, cotton, colorful and comfortable. Ladies like the
loose fitting dresses for summer while men go for t-shirts.
Around San Diego Old Town there are unique souvenirs. At "Colorado House"
which contains a Wells Fargo antique collection (stagecoach, strong box,
safe and ledger,) I spent a mere $1 for a writing pen that has a stagecoach
on it. Some things that caught my eye were a gold panning plate for $12.50
and a ceramic cookie jar shaped liked a Wells Fargo Stagecoach for around
These are just a few of the gems located at Old Town, where there's lots of
free parking, enterainment, and some of the best Mexican restaurants in all
of the U.S.