The reason people fly kites recreationally today is plain and simple. It's pure fun. But the earliest record of kite flying around 200 B.C. may have been for war. Chinese General Han Hsin of the Han Dynasty flew a kite over the walls of a city he was attacking to measure how far his army would have to tunnel to reach past the defenses. Knowing this distance his troops reached the inside of the city, surprised their enemy, and were victorious. The history of kites if fascinating but the main thing to consider at kite festivals is the fun. Access to kites, the right amount of wind and plenty of space for everyone to fly are key ingredients to happiness and success.
Kite Festivals in California offer a great way and fun day to get introduced to the sport of kite flying.
Learn to watch for the right kite flying conditions. Wind that is too strong or too light is difficult to fly in. A flag or windsock is handy to help you see the wind. About 5-25 mph is best for most kites.
Sometimes you have to run while pulling the kite behind you to get it airborne. 'Apparent wind' creates lift and pushes the kite up. Once the kite reaches a high enough altitude where the wind becomes strong enough, you can stop running and the kite will remain aloft.
Flying is most fun when the wind is medium so you can do more than just hold on. You can make your kite dance across the sky by pulling in and letting out the line.
Flying space should be a clear, open area. Open fields, parks and beaches are great for flying kites.
Watch out for kite eating trees, and stay away from power lines, airports and roads.
Never fly in rain or lightening. Electricity in clouds is attracted to damp kite lines.