Surf City's Surfing Centennial Celebration Begins
By Chris MacDonald, Writer/Photographer, HB Ambassador/The Local News
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF.-- Surfing Legends & Dignitaries from the Walk Of
Fame, Hall of Fame and Community came together recently to celebrate the
beginning of a year-long commemoration of the Surfing Centennial in
Huntington Beach. On June 20, 1914, famous Hawaiian Surfing Pioneer George
Freeth put on the first surfing demonstration in what became "Surf City."
SoCal Tycoon Henry E. Huntington hired Freeth to ride his Big Red Car down
from LA to the new concrete HB Pier. He emerged from the electric railway
car with his wooden surfboard, creating a buzz and wonder from the beach
crowd. Freeth entered the ocean and showed off the exciting sport to amazed
locals and tourists. George officially became the first person to ever surf
here. On June 20, 2014, this monumental event will be celebrated with
surfers from around the world paddling out on wooden boards. Former World
Surfing Champion Peter (PT) Townend of HB said, "This will take us back in
time when men were men and boards were made of wood."
With Freeth's Surfing Photo, attached to a wooden surfboard in the
background, Townend officiated at a lively ceremony where The Surfing Walk
of Fame and Hall of Fame gave George a granite, stone and metal plaque near
the Duke Kahanamoku's statue outside HSS at PCH and Main Street. HB Mayor
Connie Boardman praised Freeth for what he did and the event attendees for
showing their support of the man who helped create the energy that made
surfing such a popular sport here. The Duke later continued George's effort
in popularizing the thrilling sport in what's now known as "Surf City, USA,"
home of the incredible, annual, record-setting, crowd-pleasing U.S. Open of
"The Surfing Friar," Fr. Christian Mondor of Sts.Simon and Jude Church,
wowed the crowd by expressing, in Hawaiian, a wonderful blessing of the
waves, the popular sport, Freeth and all surfers. Other spectators included
Ron Abdelfattah of Jack's Surfboards, Aaron Pai of HSS, Gary Sahagen,
President of the HB Longboard Crew, Paul Taylor from the HB International
Surfing Museum, Mike Adams, Gary Pitts and Chuck Linnen of The Surfers Walk
of Fame Committe, HB City Councilman Jim Katapodis, former Mayor Dave
Garofalo, Jodi and Rick McKay of the successful Pier Plaza Vendor Expo
Surfin' Sunday Music Concerts, HBTV Channel 3 Surf City Highlights Host Matt
Liffering and Award-Winning Producer/Cameraman Greg Furlong. A CBS/KCAL News
Photographer and others. A fantastic commemorative shirt honoring Freeth and
celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the HB Pier was presented to
dignitaries. For information on this incredible memento, contact designer
Tony Jones of Coral Reef Wetsuits at or 714-894-3483.
Be sure to mark your calendars for next June 20th, 2014 for the: "When Men
Were Men and Boards Were Made of Wood Surfing Centennial Celebration."
1. PT Townend speaks in front of (left to right) Tony Jones (holding the
wooden surfboard), HSS Owner Aaron Pai, Jack's Surfboards Owner Ron
Abdelfattah, HB Mayor Connie Boardman and Sts. Simon & Jude Fr. Christian
2. Fr. Christian Mondor of Sts. Simon and Jude, HB City Councilman Jim
Katapodis, HB Mayor Connie Boardman, Coral Reef Wetsuits Owner Tony Jones,
Jack's Surfboards Owner Ron Abdelfattah and HSS Owner Aaaron Pai.
3. HSS Owner Aaron Pai kneels in front of George Freeth's new plaque on The
Surfers Hall of Fame at Main & PCH in Downtown Huntington Beach
4. HB Surfing Walk Of Fame Board Member Mike Adams, HSS Owner Aaron Pai and
HB Ambassador Chris MacDonald.
5. HB City Councilman Jim Katapodis, HB Ambassador Chris MacDonald and HB
Mayor Connie Boardman.
6. Left to Right: Surfing Walk of Fame member Chuck Linnen, Fr. Christian
Mondor, HB Longboard Crew President Gary Sahagen, HB Surfing Historian PT
Townend, HSS Owner Aaron Pai, HB City Councilman Jim Katapodis and Matt
Liffering from HBTV.Resorts in Huntington Beach:
Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort is a four diamond resort with an outdoor swimming pool, restaurant and banquet rooms and ballroom seating approx. 500 people. It is located across the street from the beach and Pacific Ocean.
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort is a four diamond resort with a full spa facility, outdoor swimming pool, 17 waterfalls and fountains, and bridge walkway to the beach and ocean. It has two restaurants on site, one cocktail lounge, and several gift shops. It also features small convention and conference facilities.