2137 West 250th St.
Lomita, CA 90717
Don't hesitate to spend a few bucks for admission into the Lomita Railroad Museum in Irene Lewis Park. Dedicated to railroads of the steam era, history of the U.S. Westward Expansion, and past, present and future of transportation, the museum really packs a punch.
There's so much to see inside the museum that it takes quite a while to absorb even a portion of the nooks & crannies of glass cases and displays, especially because of the immaculate documentation. In one display for instance, over 100 spikes are identified by the railroad each came from and state.
Another fun display contains original, vintage literature such as books, magazines and papers sold on trains or in the station by "News Butchers". One title reads: "The Blunders of a Bashful Man."
Do you like lights? There are dozens of them lit in colors green, red and yellow coming from near and far -- even New Zealand!
Along one long wall a glass case with several rows reflects light hitting the surfaces of silver services, dinner ware and china. From plates, drinking glasses, forks, spoons & knives, to large serving dishes, creamers and salt & pepper shakers, signage indicates where items came from.
The indoor displays are where the fun begins. Head outdoors to look at, photograph and often climb aboard a Southern Pacific Locomotive & Tender, Union Pacific Caboose, Union Oil Tank Car, Union Pacific Boxcar and Santa Fe Caboose.
There's no doubt the volunteers of The Lomita Railroad Museum Foundation, Inc., really care about their mission to educate and inform the public about railroads. They drive it home with the detail spent on displays and maintenance of their outdoor hands-on exhibits.
There's even a gift shop section where you can buy things like postcards, books, signs and neat toys for kids.