SIERRA MADRE, CALIF.– There’s only one day each year that you get to see the Guinness record plant, a Wisteria vine at a private residence in Sierra Madre (in L.A. County). Thanks to the local Chamber of Commerce, which annually produces the event and gracious owner of this 7th wonder, the “Wistaria Festival” allows the public to see a massive purple plant that’s hard to grasp or wrap your mind around. This year it’s on view on St. Patrick’s Day, Sunday, March 17, 2013. Here are the details, and here’s the online ticket sales:
About this record-breaking plant:
Guinness Book of World Records “largest blossoming plant in the world”
One of the seven horticultural wonders of the world
Weighs approx. 250 tons
Is more than one acre in size
Has 500 foot branches
Contains over 1.5 million luxuriant lavender blossoms
Experiences a growth rate around 24 – 26″ in 24 to 48 hours