California Travel Tips

Ghost Shows Over-Dramatize

Published on: July 25, 2013


Photos left to right: Haunted Whaley House Tour in Old Town San Diego; Hangmen’s Tree in Placerville where a ghost resides in the basement of the bar; haunted Preston Castle in Ione; and Richard Senate at Ventura County Courthouse, a favorite haunt for the paranormal investigator.

Reality TV has it all wrong, according to Kaye Giuliani, who travels the country with members of her company Proof Finders Paranormal Investigations to study reports of haunted activity. She says TV shows often misrepresent the process, in fact. Here are  misconceptions people have about the paranormal:

1. Ghosts are not monsters.
2. Most investigations are not exciting–they’re deadly boring.
3. Investigators are not religious fantatics–they tend to be researchers and scientists.
4. Evidence isn’t usually found at the scene. It is discovered when pouring through reams of data.


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