California Travel Tips

California Arbor Day (Week) for Tree Huggers

Published on: March 14, 2014


California Trees: Tallest, Biggest, Rare Albino

California’s Arbor Day week-long celebration is March 7-14, 2014, with cities around the state planting trees and holding ceremonies. Arbor Day is held during different weeks and months in U.S. states, with California typically holding events in early March. A world destination known for its trees–the biggest, tallest and oldest in the world are located in California! You definitely should go see them if you can.

Among California tree news this week is word that a San Diego urban forestry group’s goal is to rescue the region’s disappearing tree canopy. Meanwhile, a rare albino redwood tree in Cotati is slated for removal due to SMART commuter rail expansion. Efforts are underway by local groups to save one of fewer than 10 genetically mutated trees known to exist. Here’s an albino tree in Humboldt County that’s received lots of publicity, simply because it is so rare.

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