California Travel Tips

American Flag Art

Published on: July 01, 2014


There are a number of art festivals and shows held on 4th of July weekend, and some may do a whopping business selling American flag art to those feeling patriotic and proud. Shown are students of Godbey School of Art ( with  painting variations and interpretations of the American flag.


  • There actually have been many American flag variations starting with the first flag  resolution in 1777.
  • A number of flags loosely based on the prescribed design were used in the early years of American independence.
  • At one time the flag even had 15 stripes, but 2 were removed to the current 13 representing the original colonies.
  • When a new state is admitted to the U.S., the state’s star on the American flag design becomes official on the first July 4 (Independence Day) following admission of that new state.
  • Our current flag with 50 stars has been in existence the longest of any American flag design.
  • There is no clear evidence as to who should get credit for the American flag design.
  • The exact colors to be used in the flag are prescribed as White, Old Glory Red, and Old Glory Blue.
  • As of Feb. 2014 our US military and government agencies are required to purchase American flags made in America.
  • The majority of American flags purchased are made in China.
  • Several reputable flag makers proudly produce American flags in the United States, though their prices are often higher than foreign made flags.
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