Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen (in photo-right) is bringing his Amend-O-Matic StampMobile to Berkeley Marina 4th of July Celebration. The giant Rube Goldberg money-stamping machine on wheels is on national tour, part of a grassroots movement to reverse the Supreme Court ruling legalizing corporate campaign donations.
Ordinary dollar bills are placed into a contraption stationed on a flatbed truck. They travel sideways and upside down until arriving at the machine where phrases are stamped on them in red ink. You may see these dollars circulating with messages such as “Not To Be Used For Bribing Politicians” or “Amend the Constitution: Stamp Money Out of Politics”. The ice cream magnate says 16 states, over 500 municipalities, 146 members of Congress and thousands of individuals he’s met would all like to see the Supreme Court ruling reversed. See:
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