“Fill your belly. Day and night make merry. Let days be full of joy. Dance and make music day and night. These things alone are the concern of men.” – Siduri, from the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the earliest recorded documents originating from the Sumerian culture. If you notice a lot of smiling and happiness going on, you may be in Sonoma County where the good life is celebrated in a variety of festivals this month.
Here are a few March festivals:
March 13-15, 2015 Barrel Tasting features 100+ northern Sonoma County wineries. $40. wineroad.com.
March 14, 2015 Sonoma County Bluegrass and Folk Festival $35, Sebastopol Community Cultural Center, seb.org
March 20-22 California’s Artisan Cheese Festival. $20-$135. Sheraton Sonoma County, artisancheesefestival.com.
March 20-21 Pigs & Pinot at Hotel Healdsburg. $125-$175. Hotel Healdsburg, pigsandpinot.com.
March 21-22 Savor Sonoma Valley – 17 wineries serve vintage wines and from the barrels, $65, heartofsonomavalley.com.
March 25-29 Sonoma International Film Festival. Close to 100 films, sonomafilmfest.org.
March 26-29 Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival, $10 up. Sebastopol Center for the Arts, sebastopolfilmfestival.org.
March 28 Battle of the Brews, $40-$95. Sonoma County Fairgrounds, battleofthebrews.com.