California Travel Tips

Middletown Days

Published on: June 20, 2015


MIDDLETOWN, CALIF. — Middletown Days ( June 19-21, 2015 offers an exciting change from Napa wine tasting, providing a great sidetrip this weekend for those who love the country. Don’t be surprised if you make the drive less than 30 minutes north of Calistoga to find yourself in the midst of a parade with cowboys, wagon trains, classic cars and marching bands. It is one of the main events to a weekend in which Queen Jenny Kuykendall can be seen, along with some fabulous equestrian competitions in a gymkhana and rodeo. Then there’s the Dolly Parton Look Alike Contest, always entertaining! If the rodeo’s not your thing here’s more entertainment this weekend…>

1. See Henry Winkler at the Comic Con at Sacramento Convention Center
2. Talk like a Pirate at the NorCal Pirate Festival in Vallejo
3. Tour 5 historic homes at the Old House Fair in San Diego’s South Park
4. Watch the Old West Shooters & win a Watermelon Contest at Yreka’s Gold Rush Days
5. Pig out at the new BBQ & Brew Festival in Pasadena’s Rose Bowl
6. Get your groove going at Alameda’s Neptune Beach Festival featuring 8 bands, zip line, food trucks
7. Get a discount on a biplane ride for DAD at the Father’s Day Fly In in Columbia

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