California Travel Tips

Have a Whale of a Good Time

Published on: January 05, 2017


Whale festivals abound along the coast this time of year

Whale-Watching California: Gray Whales Put on a Show

by Barbara L. Steinberg

“Each winter California welcomes the return of its official marine mammal, the gray whale. The initial sighting of the gray whale is exhilarating. The blow—a puff of steam standing up to 12 feet off the water—will appear; where there is one blow, others are sure to follow as whales tend to travel in groups…”

The annual migration of more than 18,000 gray whales begins high in Alaskan waters. The giants then travel southward along California’s coastline en route to their breeding and birthing waters in the bays and lagoons of Baja California. These majestic mammals hug California’s shoreline at Point Reyes National Seashore, past the Farallon Islands, travel through Half Moon Bay and Monterey Bay, then follow the coastline past Southern California before reaching Mexico. Read the full story about gray whale migrations…>

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