When author Erich von Daniken wrote the book, “Chariots of the Gods” in 1968, he theorized that geometric lines in the ancient city of Nazca (in the Peruvian spurs of the Andes,) could be the work of ancient astronauts who were welcomed as gods. It’s an intriguing theory about chariots.
Next week Festival of Chariots in Venice Beach, begins at Santa Monica City Hall and travels along Main Street to Venice Beach where several elaborate chariots are parked and and thousands come to experience vegan foods, music, dance and spiritual principles the Krishna Consciousness organization.
While cultures around the world described their gods in ancient texts as appearing from the sky in flying chariots or wheels within wheels, next week the very grounded Ecuadorian Festival in Los Angeles celebrates the country sharing borders with Peru where the Nazca lines exist. One Ecuadorian festival includes wearing of a mask with two faces. It represents Aya Uma, the spirit of the mountain, which comes down to the communities to accompany the towns people during a celebration dedicated to the sun, the moon and nature.
Hundreds of diverse cultures and their unique festivals may not be fully understood, but they offer opportunities to learn just a little bit more about neighbors of the cultural stew we call California.
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