California Travel Tips

California Beach Sunset – Days Are Getting Shorter, One Minute Per Day

Published on: August 09, 2012

Baby, it’s hot outside, but the days are getting shorter, a minute per day. On August 9 the sun goes down at 7:46 p.m. in California’s most populated areas, and the length our daylight lasting roughly 13 hours and 30 minutes on this day. As each days passes, the sun sets a minute earlier than the day before, till we reach our shortest day of the year in December. At Winter Solstice around December 21 the sun sets at approx. 4:45 p.m. and there are just under 12 hours of daylight.

Why does this matter?

  • When you drive in the evening the sun can impair your vision and ability to see traffic.
  • Catching a sunset on the way home from work or errands may become a challenge, depending on your schedule.
  • Taking pictures of favorite locations such as California piers requires adjustment and planning for the seasons. On-location filming and photo shoots also require time adjustments for critical lighting.
  • For romantic sunset dinner dates or inspirational view dining, check one of the online sunset calculators available at websites such as
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