California Travel Tips

Google in the Driver’s Seat

Published on: September 25, 2012

Founded in 1998 by Stanford Ph.D. students Larry Page and Sergey Brin (shown in a self-driving car,) Google today is a top web property in all major global markets.  Google is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.


Google’s innovative search technologies connect millions of people around the world with information every day. This “ Travel Tips” you are reading is served to subscribers through Google’s Feedburner, a free product that allows web publishers, companies and even friends to connect through their email box with the latest posts. Subscribers to See California found our website, maybe through a Google search, and signed up to get the latest news and stories. Everything seemed great till the day that rumors surfaced–Google may be pulling the plug and shutting Feedburner down.

Last week Feedburner quit working for millions of users, and they were worried they lost their subscribers (some have 50,000, 100K or more!) There was no person to contact or talk to at Google.  Just a void of  information and lots of nail-biting. Our webmaster, like millions of others, began scrambling for options to make sure we could continue to serve the daily news to subscribers. We found one viable, free option to date at, where you can sign up for  and have it delivered to your mail just like feedburner. However, it only comes in the middle of the night when you are least likely to read it.

Google is clearly in the driver’s seat when it comes to the Internet products. Technology such as theirs has been a shining star in California’s otherwise economic slump. Google has mapped the entire world, in fact, all the way down to snippets of conversations on cell phones as Google cars roam the streets gathering pictures and data everywhere.  Using collected images and sounds, Google company hopes to make their self-driving cars a reality on the roads, and many experts say it’s coming fairly soon–within the next decade or two. You will buy the car and sit in the driver’s seat but you won’t be in control. That can be a good thing, or a bad thing, depending.


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