If you hear someone shout out “Sacabanana,” it’s not a French cuss word, but the pleasing sound of people celebrating the feel-good food at Sacramento Banana Festival. Served up in banana cream pie, banana splits, banana shakes, banana flavored cocktail drinks and a variety of tasty treats, the event is going down August 11-12, 2018. We haven’t seen this much fun since March when the 200-foot banana split was consumed at Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort.
While our personal favorite is a banana malt blended with rich ice cream from Humboldt County, there are endless possibilities for eating banana dishes as you’ll discover at this week’s event or at the September Port Hueneme Banana Fest.
If bananas aren’t your thing, maybe you’d enjoy a slice of fresh baked apple pie. This weekend in Sebastopol you can head for the annual Gravenstein Apple Fair to get your fill of sweet apple foods and tastes.
Can it get any better? For tomato lovers the answer is, “You’re bloody well right!” as you consume tomatoes at this week’s Woodland Tomato Festival.
Other festivals dedicated to foods this week include the Monterey Bacon Fest at the Monterey County Fairgrounds.
At San Diego County Fairgrounds – Del Mar Racetrack guests are invited to sample foods of every sort at the Gourmet Food Truck Festival.
Our only recommendation for maximizing your pleasure is to avoid the corpse flower, Little Stinker, at Huntington Library & Gardens (huntington.org). Expected to blossom in August 2018 (an unpredictable occurrence happening every five to 10 years,) the smell of this plant is described as a mix of rotting fish and boiled cabbage. The plant unveils its fragrances to the world as nature’s way of attracting pollinators such as flesh flies and dung beetles.
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