California Travel Tips

Banana Festival at Port Hueneme

Published on: September 02, 2013


Where do bananas come from? If you said Port Hueneme, California, you are correct!  At least they are shipped into the port and that is exactly where the action takes place on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the free Banana Festival. Banana Pie Eating Contest, inflatable bananas for kids to take home, and tours of the port are a few exciting activities that offer insights into the Central Coast’s important, yet sometimes overlooked shipping route importing and exporting foods, perishables and electronics, to name a few items.

All these years when you peeled and ate your bananas, did you ever stop to wonder about where they came from? And what’s going on with that Chiquita Banana Girl? You will get some answers to your questions on your field trip to the Central Coast. See

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