Pictured are scenes from food pro Grace Ann Walden’s Bay Area A-list restaurants open for Mother’s Day. Grace Ann’s food tours are $80 all inclusive. To book, email me at gaw@sbcglobal.net or call (415) 302-5898
2015 Mother’s Day Faves:
Ajanta Restaurant, 1888 Solano Avenue, Berkeley. Tel: 510.526.4373, AjantaRestaurant.com
Beach Chalet Brewery & Restaurant, 1000 Great Highway, San Francisco. Tel: 415.386.8439, beachchalet.com
Bobo’s Lounge, 1434 Lombard Street, SF. Tel: 415.683.7007, boboslounge.com
Desco, 499 9th Street, Oakland. Tel: 510.663.9000, descooakland.com
District Oakland, 827 Washington Street, Oakland. Tel: 510.272.9110, districtoak.com
Donato Enoteca, 1041 Middlefield Road, Redwood City. Tel: 650.701.1000, donatoenoteca.com
Fattoria e Mare, 1095 Rollins Road, Burlingame. Tel: 650.342.4923, fattoriaemare.com
Homestead, 4029 Piedmont Ave., Oakland. Tel: 510.420.6962, homesteadoakland.com
Lake Chalet Seafood Bar & Grill, 1520 Lakeside Drive, Oakland. Tel: 510.208.5253, thelakechalet.com
LB Steak Menlo Park, 898 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park. Tel: 650.321.8980, lbsteak.com
LB Steak San Jose, 334 Santana Row, Suite 1000, San Jose. Tel: 408.244.1180, lbsteak.com
Le Colonial, 20 Cosmo Place, San Francisco. Tel: 415.931.3600, lecolonialsf.com
Le P’tit Laurent, 699 Chenery Street, San Francisco. Tel: 415.334.3235, leptitlaurent.net
Palm House, 2032 Union Street, San Francisco. Tel: 415.400.4355, palmhousesf.com
Park Chalet Garden Restaurant, 1000 Great Highway, San Francisco. Tel: 415.386.8439, parkchalet.com
Reverb, 2323 Polk Street, San Francisco. Tel: 415.441.2323, reverbsf.com
Terrapin Crossroads, 100 Yacht Club Drive, San Rafael. Tel: 415.524.2773, terrapincrossroads.net
The Sea by Alexander’s Steakhouse, 4269 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Tel: 650.213.1111, theseaUSA.com
Twenty Five Lusk, 25 Lusk Street, San Francisco. Tel: 415.495.5875, twentyfivelusk.com
Larkspur, 507 Magnolia Avenue, Tel: 415.927.3331
Menlo Park, 635 Santa Cruz Avenue, Tel: 650.473.6543
San Jose, 377 Santana Row, Suite 1100, Tel: 408.984.3500