California Travel Tips

Laboring with Big Feet and Bunyans on Labor Day Weekend

Published on: August 30, 2018


On Labor Day Weekend Californians will park and walk (sometimes a distance,)  to hear concerts, see art shows, festivals and events, or visit parks, beaches and mountain resorts. Their feet are invited to pay special attention for celebrations honoring Big Feet and Bunyans (bunions).

Big Foot Days Parade

  • A special annual festival in Willow Creek pays homage to the Sasquatch, also known as Big Foot.
  • The town’s museum which is open to guests houses the world’s largest collection of Bigfoot curios.
  • The creature that is said to live in the woods of California’s north coast is named for its very large feet. Some claim to have seen foot prints similar to humans in the forests, though much, much larger.

Paul Bunyan Days

  • Paul Bunyan is a larger-than-life legend of a lumberjack who had a big blue ox as an animal companion.
  • Fort Bragg pays homage to Paul Bunyan and his laboring each year on Labor Day Weekend.
  • Be sure to wear comfortable shoes at Paul Bunyan Days, or you might get bunions on your feet!
  • Activities over a number of days include a Logging Show, Log Rolling Tournament, Paul Bunyan Days Parade, Lumberjack Pancake Breakfast, plays, dances, games, BBQs and so much more.

Some of us are blessed (or cursed) with big feet. Some of us have bunions. But to experience one weekend in which both Big Feet and Bunyans are celebrated — that’s legendary!

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