Homeowners at Malibu’s coveted beaches have used every tactic imaginable to intimidate, scare and shoo away beach-goers who often falsely believe they are trespassing. Malibu road signs on Coast Highway 1 advertise 27 miles of beaches but those sandy shores seem out of reach sometimes. Leave it to a gutsy lady (one of many people) who have tried to right a wrong by informing the public that the beaches in Malibu are open for business.
A new smartphone app called Our Malibu Beaches created by Jenny Price, one of countless beach activists who have made it their goal to inform and help beach-goers gain access to the Malibu coast where millionaires and billionaires reside, lists beaches such as Lechuza, Escondido and Carbon, house by house, and sign by sign. It alerts the public to signs to heed and those to ignore. Some signs have been illegally installed by homeowners to scare away beach-goers. For example, at Carbon Beach there are often orange cones that residents place there illegally to block off public parking spots. The app tells you to go ahead and move the cones if you like. It is incredibly detailed, informational and disliked by those who live in the mansions on the sand. The app project reached its funding goal of $30,000 in 2 short days and should be available this month.
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