Pictured is a cool California cat relaxing on a lawn chair overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
While California’s dogs have great public relations agents, cats still reign supreme. Second only to fish in terms of pet ownership in the U.S., more people own cats than dogs. Some humans have completely given up meat for the “green” planet effort, but don’t try it on your cat. The 10-20 pound felines are meat-eaters who often will die without some form of fleshy meat to sustain them.
These politically-incorrect killing machines who think nothing of biting the head off a rat, like to take naps. At the same time humans are going with less & less sleep, cats conserve energy resting 12-16 hours daily, with 15 being the average. Some may sleep as much as 20 hours!
Love them or not, cats have cozied up to humans as domesticated pets for possibly 9,200 to 9,500 years. Earliest indication for the taming of an African wildcat was found in Cyprus, where a cat skeleton was excavated close by a human Neolithic grave.