California Travel Tips

California Beach Safety: Do the Stingray Shuffle, Photo Shows Why!

Published on: May 19, 2012

A giant stingray was caught yesterday off the Seal Beach Pier in Orange County, California.  Some think it may have weighed 150 pounds and others estimate its weight at over 200. Among the chatter on the pier were comments such as: “it tastes like scallops.”

Southern California is known for its stingray population and numerous stings that tourists get when visiting. The stings really hurt! The only course of action (unless you have a serious allergy) is to soak your feet in hot water and let the pain subside, according to lifeguards who treat one-third of the nation’s stingray stings in Seal Beach.  To avoid getting stung, shuffle your feet as you move in the ocean waters.

For free pier fishing guidelines as to what you can catch & keep, refer to California’s Department of Fish & Game (  fishing guide.


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