California Travel Tips

California is Artichoke Center of the World

Published on: May 18, 2012

If artichokes weren’t so unique, so tasty, and so healthy, you’d never hear of Castroville, the Artichoke Capital and Artichoke Center of the World, where nearly 75% of U.S. artichokes are grown–California grows 100% of artichokes in the U.S. Shown in photos are a field of artichokes (left) and the Giant Artichoke Cafe where they’re served deep-fried & delicious.

From the World’s Largest Artichoke to the Artichoke Festival this weekend, Monterey County is home to a fascinating and delicious world of artichokes. Throughout the year you can taste and (seasonally) purchase artichokes in the little city of Castroville where they come direct from farm to table. Castroville is a farm town with maybe one hotel, but makes a great road stop when you visit Carmel, Monterey or Santa Cruz.

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