California Travel Tips

California Roadside Rest Areas with Bathrooms

Published on: May 13, 2013


Caltrans provides approx.  87 rest areas as a part of the State Highway System pursuant to a Streets and Highways Code. Safety Roadside Rest Areas provide opportunities for travelers to safely stop, stretch, take a nap, use the restroom, get water, check maps, place telephone calls, switch drivers, check vehicles and loads, and exercise pets. Rest areas reduce drowsy and distracted driving and provide a safe and convenient alternative to unsafe parking along the roadside. In addition to these easy access road stops, there are close to 25 California Welcome Centers with free restroom facilities and staff to answer questions.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that nationally:
• About 1.5 percent of all crashes involve drowsiness or fatigue as a principal factor.
• Fatigue-related crashes result in 1,500 fatalities and 71,000 injuries each year.

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