California Travel Tips

Exciting Blue Angels Shows

Published on: March 12, 2013


The Blue Angels, the fast-flying, precision air team is back in California this week at El Centro. Though they’re based primarily in Florida, they do train in California in the winters and put on several shows in select California cities each year.One location they nearly always appear at is El Centro NAF air facility.  This week you can see the Blue Angels perform nail-biting maneuvers on Saturday, March 16, 2013 in the free show. If you miss this excitement, you’ll have to wait till September for the next event in Ventura. Miramar and San Francisco (Fleet Week) are the other Blue Angel California performances of 2013, happening in October. The thunderous roar and Diamond 360 maneuvers in which they may fly a mere 18 inches apart is just amazing. Some people get chills watching the air display!

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