Some people get their kicks on Route 66. But flower fans this weekend on April 27, 2013 can get their fix seeing colorful new models that sound like cars–such as Fiery Echo, Hawaiian Sunrise, Blondie’s Blush, Yonkers, Midnight Run and Light Saber– the 2013 introductions of new irises. Chances are you’ll get to see them at Porterville Iris Festival which showcases the natural beauty of the purple iris, Porterville’s official city flower. An estimated 20,000 people converge at Porterville’s festival and many take tours of the world’s largest distributor of re-blooming iris, Sutton’s Iris Garden. If you go, another must-see attraction beyond this gateway to Sequoia National Forest and the Great Western Divide Highway is the world’s biggest tree in nearby Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park.
Other weekend flower power opportunities include Arvin Wildflower Festival in Kern County, Rhododendron Parade in Eureka, and The Flower Fields in Carlsbad.
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