Photos: Gates along a two block ocean walk in Newport Beach.
In my affordable residential neighborhood gates are usually functional, and somewhat plain–generally made of unfinished or painted wood. Rarely does a homeowner install an artistic, ornate or custom gate.
Not every neighborhood is quite so literal about the gate concept as I discovered on a stroll recently. Take a drive along Pacific Coast Highway in Newport Beach where you’ll see massive columns next to the road. These gates that say “Newport Coast” (shown in photo – top row, 2nd from right) are classic interpretations of a gate which originally was considered the gap or opening, rather than the barrier which closed space.
As you drive into the coastal neighborhoods and begin to look around, you’ll see that some have takenĀ gates to new levels of meaning and understanding. These gates fulfill the same function as my neighborhood. They serve as a point of entry to a space enclosed by walls, or a moderately sized opening in some sort of fence. And while these gates prevent or control the entry or exit of individuals like any others, they also are are quite interesting to see, as no two are the same. Did you ever think you’d be walking down the street staring at gates? What a trip!
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