California Travel Tips

Goin’ to a Pow Wow

Published on: April 10, 2013


Pictured on left is Grant Saginaw, famous Indian actor, who has appeared in many movies and TV productions ranging from Skinwalker to The World’s Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins. He graciously posed for at a recent Pow Wow. In the right photo is a year-round show at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park where you can watch an incredible hoop dancer who sings, drums, and plays the flute.  Audiences are spellbound by his talents and stories.

Black History month has come and gone, and so has Chinese New Year, Tet Festival and St. Patrick’s Day. Greek Festivals, Italian Festas and Mexican Cinco de Mayo celebrations are on the horizon, each with unique music and foods honoring various cultures that comprise the California melting pot. One of the most interesting gatherings has thousands of years of tradition in our state as a very important part of Native American culture. You really owe it to yourself to go to a pow wow. It is part party, part blessing, and incredibly interesting.  We’ve compiled a list of  California pow wow events and notice that there’s hardly a place in the state that you can’t attend one within an hour’s drive.

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