Global warming, global warming! Is the sky falling, the ocean rising, and are houses sinking into the sea? If you visit Malibu beaches, San Diego beaches, and many parts of the coast where people have built houses at sea level, you’ll see that there are some very real threats of properties disappearing. Just look at what one big earthquake and tidal wave did to sea level properties in Japan. Pictured above is Sunset Beach and Huntington Beach where houses line manmade island with boat docks, all at sea level, of course. The homes range in price from around $700,000 for a condo to millions for larger waterfront or bay homes. Many cities have no plans at all for addressing rising sea levels, and continue to permit new construction in low-lying areas.
West Antarctica is warming almost twice as fast as previously believed, according to geography professor David Bromwich, Ohio State University. A thaw that would add to sea level rise from San Francisco to San Diego would raise world sea levels by at least 11 feet, a process that should take centuries to occur. So what’s the worry? Aren’t most of us going to be dead? Sea levels will rise by between 7 and 24 inches this century, and by maybe more, depending on Greenland and Antarctica acceleration of ice melt. Computer simulations assisted scientists in reconstructing temperatures from previous years. So, if you’re green with envy over that luxury oceanfront property, be thankful to live on higher ground, though it may not matter within your lifetime!
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