CALIFORNIA! We love your golden shores, your beautiful snow-capped mountains, wineries and piers. It’s REALLY hard to leave you. But more & more, there’s an exodus–it’s a quiet movement without fanfare. Those who are going don’t want to talk too loud about it–just look what happened to golfer Phil Mickelson when he threatened to go! The media tried to rake him over hot coals. Tiger Woods left long ago and now calls Florida “home”. With close to 40 million residents in the state of California, the impact of residents moving to Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Texas would be too great for other states if masses of people packed up and left at the same time. While the population continues to increase in California each year by about half a million, regardless of those leaving, we’re finding more & more people complaining and saying they can’t take it anymore. They love California but can’t afford to live out their golden years in the Golden State.
Those leaving include DAs, Realtors, business owners, and retirees. Most are middle income, middle age folks. They say they have taken long, hard looks at where the state was (many are natives,) is, and where it is heading. Each day we here about good friends and good people packing up and moving. They report that the going is good now while housing prices are lower in other states and Californians haven’t swamped their neighbors just yet.
The most cited reasons for leaving are taxes, laws, and quality of life eroding from a former level. It’s starting to sink in. California taxes its residents the most, yet ranks among the bottom for education, air quality and other things important to quality of life. If you’re thinking of moving, now is a good time to start looking. Once the neighboring states start to see too many Californians arriving, demand on housing goes up and affordability decreases. Our “neighbors” won’t be so welcoming to us then. Note: California ranked as the 2nd best place to live in a 2011 survey.
7 States without Income Taxes:
1. Alaska
2. Florida
3. Nevada
4. South Dakota
5. Texas
6. Washington
7. Wyoming