California Travel Tips

Pretty Pooches and Muts Perfect Struts at Burlingame Pet Parade

Published on: September 19, 2013


Burlingame loves its pets. Some say it is the pet capital of California, in fact! During the annual Burlingame Pet Parade that takes to the streets on Saturday, September 28, 2013, you’ll get lots of ideas for pet Halloween costumes. And if you like, you can even be in the parade. No dog is turned away. Dogs dress like chickens, dogs pulling wagons, dogs dressed like ballerinas, clowns,  and even bumblebees & spiders, all make their way along Broadway & Chula Vista streets for a morning stroll–you must report in at 9:30 a.m. to participate. The day also includes entertainment such as pet psychics and much, much more.

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