Photo: California pumpkin field on the Central Coast.
If you think that pumpkins grow in glass patches, you’ve been reading our website too long! The truth is that SOME pumpkins appear in glass pumpkin patches, but most do not. The City of Calabasas, Calif. will tell you that their city name means “pumpkin” and when they hold their annual Calabasas Pumpkin Festival, they celebrate with the real stuff (no glass.) At the event there are pumpkin pie eating and pumpkin seed spitting contests. They even serve pumpkin flavored beer!
It’s time for you to pick out your real pumpkin for your personal pleasure. Pictured are some popular pumpkins sold as seeds you can plant & grow yourself: Rouge Vif d’Etampes, Jarrahdale, Long Island Cheese, Bliss, Marina di Chioggia, Musque de Provence, Knuckle Head, American Tondo, Moonshine, Kakai, Valenciano, Red October, Speckled Hound, Naples Long, Queensland Blue and Autumn Crown.
You can carve your pumpkin as most people do, but if you decorated the pumpkin with paint or just leave it out in a simple state, you can serve it up later as pumpkin pie, pumpkin bisque or another delicious dish. One neighbor actually came by our house and bought our pumpkin off of us for a Thanksgiving centerpiece after Halloween had ended. It’s amazing what you can do with pumpkins!
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