California Travel Tips

Roseville Telephone Museum

Published on: February 27, 2014


Operator, can you please get me Klondike 5? The history of the telephone is fascinating. If you visit Sacramento, be sure to explore the surrounding area to see some great museums such as Roseville Telelphone Museum approx. 15 miles northeast of the city in Roseville, Calif. Pictured is an exhibit at the museum which shows the 1956 Ericofon (bottom row) and the 1957 Western Electric Color Desk Set (top row). The museum includes cases filled with glass and porcelain insulators, a Magneto switchboard in service at the Roseville Telephone Company in 1914, candlestick, phones, collector series phones and much more!

Telephone timeline:

  • 137 years since the phone was invented
  • 129 years since the coin phone was introduced
  • 99 years since a long distance call could be made between the East and West Coasts
  • 80 years since the colored telephone was introduced (gray, ivory, silver, bronze or brass)
  • 63 years since Direct Dialing eliminated operators on long distance calls
  • 51 years since we began to use touch tone rather than rotary dial
  • 34 years since Digital Cellular telephones offered better quality of sound over analog technology
  • 15 years since geolocation technology accurately located to within 15 feet Wireless 911 phone calls
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