California’s cool shopping happens in the most unusual spots such as Laguna Beach’s Sawdust Winter Fantasy, held in a scenic canyon. Some of the artist kiosks, booths and spaces have towering eucalyptus trees growing out of them at this permanent, outdoor festival venue featuring sawdust which carpets the ground.
Other great shopping in California includes Pacific Ocean views, San Francisco bay views, a marina in Long Beach, an airplane hangar in Santa Monica, a plaza overlooking the Huntington Beach Pier, a beautiful city park in Downtown Paso Robles, iconic Central Park in Davis, views of Rancho Solano Golf Course in Fairfield, a desert scape in Palm Springs…and the list goes on & on.
It makes us realize just how lucky we are to live in California and share our beautiful weather and shopping experiences with the world (fall/winter is a favorite time to visit for those escaping blizzards, snow and cold, cold, cold!)
See California November arts festivals…>
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