This weekend have fun at a festival in the Eastern Sierras, June Lake Winter ( Festival Feb. 21, 2015.
SIERRA — It’s a brewing company! It’s a mountain range! It’s a popular girl’s name! It’s a game! The name Sierra is magic. In Spanish it means “mountain range with jagged peaks” though it can also mean originating from the earth” or “a solid rock.” The varied uses of the word are equally diverse as festivals you’ll find in California that have the name, Sierra, in them. Here are a few coming up — read more!
1. Sierra-at-Tahoe Equinox Spring Festival Mar. 21, 2015
2. Sierra Pelona Valley Wine Festival April 25, 2015 in Santa Clarita
3. Sierra Festival of the Arts in Grass Valley May 24
4. Sierra Nevada World Music Festival June 19-21 in Boonville
5. Sierra Ecosummit & Festival in Groveland in June
6. High Sierra Music Festival July 2-6, 2015 in Quincy
7. Sierra Storytelling Festival July 17-19, 2015 in Nevada City
8. Sierra Nevada Classical Guitar Festival & Competition July 24-26, 2015 in Olympic Valley
9. Sierra Canyon Film Festival March 13 in Los Angeles
10. Sierra Summer Festival on August 13-16, 2015 at Mammoth Lakes
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