California and America celebrates St. Patrick’ Day in a Big Way! With St. Patrick’s Day Parades in San Francisco, San Diego, Sacramento, Hermosa Beach, Dublin, Murphys, Ventura and Visalia, there’s no shortage of fun in 2018, when the Irish holiday falls on a Saturday.
Each year around St. Patrick’s Day I remember my grandpa, Lee. Maybe it’s because he was…
Part Irish (the other part Cherokee)
Preferred Scotch whiskey (hands shook if he went too long without a drink)
Was a potato farmer (sharecrop) in the early years
Was thin — he stood about 5’8″ tall
Had beautiful, black hair and piercing, blue eyes
Dressed in bib overalls (for every occasion)
Rolled his own cigarettes
Was missing some teeth
Always had a smile — and was known for his jokes
If you have some special Irish moments and memories, send ’em and I’ll share them.
(National Retail Federation)
Party City appears to be the #1 favorite for many St. Patrick’s Day party items and a coupon code of $2 shipping, no minimum as of this posting.
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