California Travel Tips

Statistics of Love, Marriage, Divorce

Published on: January 23, 2014


Pictured are famous cupids on display in art galleries in California.

According to some studies, people are looking for love, but not marriage. If you think that people are swayed by the romance of Valentine’s Day, it may seem love is in the air, but February is actually the 4th lowest month for marriage license applications.  Last August Californians applied for close to 24,000 marriage licenses, while in February it was around 16,500.  There were close to 224,000 marriage applications for the year, and 160,500 couples initiated divorce proceedings in the state of California. Here are some of the “love” statistics:

  • Unmarried cohabitations (living together) overall are less stable than marriages.
  • The chance of a premarital cohabitation breaking up within 5 years is 49% compared to 20% for marriages.
  • After 10 years, 62% for premarital cohabitations dissolve compared to 35% for marriages.
  • Non-college educated couples are nearly 20% more likely to get divorced within the first 10 years of marriage than college-educated couples.
  • Christian couples have the same divorce rate as the national average.
  • Adults who didn’t attend college and have a low household income are more likely to be divorced.
  • The third time’s a charm for just over a quarter of the third marriages. The divorce rate for a third marriage is 73%.


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