It’s happening! Sunshine and warm weather is here and it’s the time to see the beach. For the millions of people who love to feel the sun kiss your skin, the weather has taken a turn for the better and it’s pleasant enough to soak up some rays at California’s beloved beaches. However, sleeper waves, rogue or sneaker waves have plagued the Northern California coast recently, causing United States Coast Guard, National Park Service and East Bay SPCA to launch a campaign to keep beach lovers safe. The death of a father and his 9-year-old son while fishing near the Point Bonita lighthouse and another death last week took the life of a woman in Humboldt County who was unexpectedly hit by a wave and swept out to sea while walking on the beach. In the past few months four people have been swept away when trying to rescue their dogs from the ocean. In all four cases the dogs survived while their human owners perished.
Tips for safety: Never turn your back on the ocean and don’t try to rescue your pet. As for avoiding sunburn, here’s the inside scoop on wearing sunblock creams. Also read beach safety tips that can help save a life–maybe your own!
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