Photos of celebs attending last year’s beach bash that YOU can attend. Bring $500 to get in–better RSVP!
SANTA MONICA (PACIFIC PALISADES), CALIF. — What are you doing tonight? Are you hob-nobbing with celebs? You could be if you wanted to spring $500, a small price for a beach party to “Heal the Bay“. Bring Back the Beach gala benefit on May 16, 2013, at the private Jonathan Beach Club in Santa Monica invites you to relax with your toes in the sand while you meet and mix with leaders from Southern California’s environmental, political, business and entertainment communities. A fun-filled evening under the stars includes Oscar-winning actor and environmental champion Jeremy Irons (Voices the Fight Against Plastic Pollution), and a special acoustic performance by five-time Grammy Award winner Ziggy Marley.
Cocktail Reception & Auction featuring the 2013 Scion, Dinner, Live Auction, Entertainment and Dancing from 5 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Attire: Beach Chic–be prepared to walk in the sand to your table. Choose shoes accordingly!
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