Pictured: Los Angeles County Arboretum in Arcadia offers Love Potions Walking Tour Feb.16, 2019.
Despite the prevalence of red & pink hearts on cards and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, Valentine’s Day in 2019 looks different than the past, according to a survey released by National Retail Federation (NRF). Ten years ago, more than 60% of adults planned to celebrate Valentine’s Day; today, that’s dropped to 50%. However, Valentine’s Day spenders are setting records, averaging $161.96 this year (up 13% from 2018,) with total spending at $20.7 billion.
Among the reasons cited for NOT celebrating are rejection of commercialism and preference to experiences (shared with friends, loved ones, pets or alone,) that don’t necessarily rank on spending surveys. Bargain shopping for personal items during Valentine’s Day sales is also popular, though shoppers say they’re only saving money on things they need anyway.
With the latest trends in mind, museums, theme parks and zoos offer what non-traditional shoppers want: